Upcoming Shopping Malls in Gulbarga | List of Upcoming Commercial Projects, Gulbarga
by Gulbarga on Oct 29, 2011 • 5:51 pm 115 CommentsVideo:
List of few Upcoming Shopping Malls in Gulbarga /
U/C (Under Construction) Commercial Complexes, Gulbarga
- Intra-City Bus stand & Shopping mall
- Kandoor Mall, Gulbarga
- Asian Mall, Gulbarga
- A. K. Asian Grand
- Gold Hub, Gulbarga
- City Center, Gulbarga
- Punjab Boot House, Gulbarga
- Sunciti Mall, Gulbarga
- Sharadha Mall, Gulbarga and counting!
Intra-City Bus stand & Shopping mall : Located near Railway station (Old railway bus stop) Project by the prime land, and Chandrakant Consortium, a Bangalore-based company that has tied up with Bangalore Span Architects, Mahalaxmi Jewellers and others to take up the construction of the bus-stand and mall.
Asian Mall, Gulbarga : Located at the center of the city, Near Lahoto Petrol Pump Beside VG Womens Medical hostel, Gulbarga
A. K. Asian Grand : also Located at the center of the city near Standard Gym, Opp. KEB Office, Station Road, Gulbarga
Gold Hub, Gulbarga: also Located at the center of the city, near Vodafone Office, Khuba Plots
City Center, Gulbarga : Located near Appa Lake, Market road Gulbarga
Punjab Boot House, Gulbarga : also Located at the center of the city near by Centurian Park, Gulbarga
SuncityMall Gulbarga: Located on new jewargi road, Gulbarga beside Sun international hotel
Sharadha Mall, Gulbarga : at Old Tirandaz Takies (Domino’s Pizza)
Shivaraj says:
Dec 19, 2018
Gulbarga development is not happening like it should.
prajwal says:
Jun 9, 2016
I love gulbarga and it’s climate ,and excited about coming up airport and water park i missss gulbarga and i think to come to gulbarga to meet my parents
mohan k. dev says:
Feb 13, 2015
very nice our gulbarga and very wanderfull city.
aneel rathod says:
Nov 27, 2014
Thanks…..lot of nammagulbarga…
Harsha.Gajakos says:
Jun 1, 2014
It’s AWESOME our Gulbarga is developing very fastly to fulfill the demand of youths in the competative world.
mehboob sayyed says:
May 30, 2014
Pleas open McDonald’s in gulbarga to enjoy people McDonald’s burger
Gulbarga Bazaar says:
Apr 17, 2014
great work nammagulbarga for making such blog and providing news related to gulbarga. One more upcoming mall is on fort road located on place of Prakash Talkies.
AP says:
Jan 1, 2014
Guyz…..gulbarga is aaaaauussuumm…..wat do u thnk…
Avinash.H.T says:
Oct 16, 2013
our gulbarga is lacking behind in the basic infrastructure management,district administration is failing in developing our city by bad condition of road in and around city limits,extra widening of road is required in city,city corporation is failing by not keeping city neat and clean,water supply system,some of the strict traffic rules and regulatioins must be implemented in city,street lights must work efficiently duirng night time,and awareness should be created to public by TV/FM/News paper.
Akrampasha says:
Oct 12, 2013
gulbarga is improving it is good but plz plz to our govt to think about the industries more than 50percent peoples are staying in other state for jobs so please think serious about this it is very important to us
Guru Patil says:
Aug 28, 2013
nice gulbarga my fevrt place……
priya patil says:
Aug 28, 2013
ya its nice dude…
Ansari says:
Aug 19, 2013
Good Gulbarga is developing in Infrastracture what about the JOB/Vacancy to BE/MBA/BBA/BBM/MCA/Mtech/ITI/Diploma people they to move from Gulbarga to other place.
Mudassir says:
Aug 16, 2013
Gulbarga is very poor in Natural resources. For setting Industries, water is essential, we know gulbarga is dry area. Building Big Malls willn’t improve gulbarga. To improve it, these things are required: 1) Businesses, 2)Industries, 3)IT companies, 4)Creating Opportunities, etc.. which we all know it lacks
vidya says:
Mar 24, 2015
well said
mohammed ameeruddin says:
Jul 31, 2013
gulbarga jaisa shaher pure india me nahi hai
Md.Majid says:
Apr 5, 2013
edwinmoses says:
Mar 12, 2013
Wow gulbarga
M.T.F.Baig says:
Mar 11, 2013
as the devolopment in glb is gng faster.Govt should also thnk abt the jobs too. . .many of them were living out of glb leaving thr family.
HARSHA says:
Feb 27, 2013
good, but what about jobs in the city, Govt should concentrate on setting up industries. Gulbarga needs educated and employed people, only 67% of population of glb are educated.
Sunil G says:
Jan 25, 2013
Thats great. But to travel to Bidar and Hyderabad is getting very difficult due to weak bridge on NH 218. Old bridge s weak and closed for regular traffic, for months. A new bridge, just adjacent, is under construct, left pending since years, all the steel is getting rusted. Alternate route is bad, takes 1 hour extra, that too at extra cost, a big problem for regular travellers, old, sick and poor passengers.
shashidhar reddy says:
Jan 10, 2013
good news to here, gulbarga is developing.If develop industries & infastructure that is very good news.
Nov 12, 2012
I love my glb
Basheer says:
Oct 30, 2012
I am always eager to know about developments in Gulbarga, Thank God , there are some works & developments going on in Gulbarga.
Hope for more improvments in infrastructure, in order to attract the investor in our city.
Krishna kumsikar says:
Sep 8, 2012
Glb’s getting developed..
Im very curious that when these malls get opened..
shabbir ahmed razvi says:
Sep 3, 2012
very beautiful my gulbarga
shivanand says:
Aug 25, 2012
developing very fast please cont……..…maintain the same speed i am gulbarga member please speed i am in working in banglore but i love gulbarga place
kiran says:
Jul 4, 2012
what about colleges in gulbarga …..?
i studied in sri guru college …It was really nice ….I have not visited glb since 4 years …
very happy to see gulbarga like this.
Any other new famous colleges other than SBR , Naik sir and channa reddy sir college …?
mohd mustafa ahtesham says:
Jun 21, 2012
i thanx to those who r building diz,and this is also one great ac,hievement fr glb,thanx,i wil pray.
Akash Davangere says:
Jun 20, 2012
Hello guys i was living in gulbarga past 2yrs n now im in davangere i love gulbarga it has mall im verry happy, davangere is not developed as gulbarga. Gul roxs
ameeruddin kharadi says:
Jun 19, 2012
allha ka shuker hai ke hamara shaher GULBARGA rozbaroz tarakhi kar raha hai
kartik says:
May 18, 2012
why gulbarga is not improveing& macdondals is not there if it is there i would come daily please Sharadha Mall, Gulbarga make a macdondals please please please
Rekha .S says:
May 8, 2012
Hi friends can some one say which is the upcoming malls(under construction) in gulbarga.
nammakalburgi says:
May 18, 2012
sunciti mall at jewargi road, on the way to ram mandir, besides hotel sun international, it with 3 screen multiplex.
Kunal says:
Apr 13, 2013
Gold Hub & The Orchid
mahesh says:
Oct 24, 2013
Even i am searching for the same, if u come to know plz inform me, i am searching for job in construction feild. If i come to know i wil inform u. maheshkadawadi@yahoo.co.in
Imran Bhandari says:
May 5, 2012
steadily and surely our city is developing. one day InshaAllah our city wont be called backward and there wont be any need of article 371. but our rich politicians with there empty well will beg for it to be implemented.
Siddanna S B says:
Apr 22, 2012
Asian Mall is open.Please visit
khalid khan says:
Apr 21, 2012
jab tak ye politician aur corrupted log gulbarga me zinda hai jab tak gulbarga kabhi aage nai badhega.
Syed says:
Apr 13, 2012
Greetings! It is nice to know that Gulbarga is developing and keeping pace with other cities of Karnataka. Question is, what is the status of these projects? Can anyone update?
abdulnayeem says:
Apr 5, 2012
kya comment maare re RAUF i like it paaty
rauf.ksa says:
Mar 20, 2012
gud to hear but dont polute the malls eating gutka and pan and spitting in corners dont create problems for girls let evryone come happily and enjoy
kartik says:
Mar 8, 2012
why gulbarga is not improveing& macdondals is not there if it is there i would come daily please Sharadha Mall, Gulbarga make a macdondals please please please
Pratz says:
Mar 13, 2012
ha ha ha ha ha ha
vidya says:
Mar 24, 2015
grow up man
if any city having mcdonalds is not improved city.
Mohammed Ismail says:
Mar 7, 2012
Masha Allah now our city is developing slowly but it is true our politicians are not change the city streets & roads & foothpath its need develope 1st& then encourrage youths for every step city devlopment they can do better then older 1 …khair all is well as soon hope airport also start as possible…..
Mar 6, 2012
I think it is the perfect work of the builders and the only one builders are there, RELIANCE ENGG they r the best always they r very brave,talented,experienced and many more thats all
pradeep says:
Feb 24, 2012
developing very fast…maintain the same speed
sanu says:
Feb 20, 2012
idots* improve your roads and drainage first. your infrastructure is so poor your so called big leaders has not taken steps to improve it.
rahul says:
Feb 10, 2012
Its good to hear that gulbarga is developing. but i have been there last month i found things same as they were five years back and i have no hope for gulbarga. the only thing that is good in gulbarga is “KORANTI HUNUMAN MANDIR”
veeresh Algud says:
Feb 6, 2012
ya all i want see gulbarga is super fine n clean n ecofrienly city…..
for that we need to be clean the city ouself for that we need to organise a march off cleanliness….we can do that……only govt. cant do that public need to support govt.we to be parcticle…..we cant think our city will BLA BLA BLA BLA….like that only…..so guys Please be Parcticle…..its easy type n comment…..
Abhishek A. Pattankar says:
Feb 5, 2012
i love gulbarga…. who else???
nisha says:
Jan 27, 2012
There is one more mall beside sun international, wat is it, its has any screens
mfriend says:
Jan 28, 2012
it has 3 screen, it tied with subash ghai cinema chain is the rumours
Malakari . RD says:
Jan 10, 2012
Good gulbarga Full wondar full city in next to shlikan city is gulbarga
Kanth.P says:
Jan 9, 2012
Gulbarga is wonderful city come and se ……………………
Super Gulbarga
Super Gulbarga
Super Gulbarga
Super Gulbarga
Rahul says:
Jan 5, 2012
Abdul Quddus says:
Dec 28, 2011
Its Good to see so many developments in Gulbarga City like many malls with IT park (Opportunity for earning and leaving a lavish life) both togather
Its Namma Gulbarga!!!
bhimaray patil says:
Dec 24, 2011
we r very happy ,if al those project comes on true,as early as possible…….. admin and team try to implement trees on roadside as well as footpath….nd try for IT’s also..
sudarshan says:
Dec 16, 2011
rame says:
Dec 15, 2011
i love gulbarga no 1 gulbarga city
Dec 10, 2011
Loving Gulbarga.
Arvind More says:
Dec 9, 2011
Hi,Friend/Dear and Near…
Gulbarga city is a one of the business Aria in this city peoples very talented. and so good culture in the environment in this city peoples very good communication skill and as friends of circle Muslims and Hindus.
call: 9972082337 Age:25, Eduacation:BCA, City: GULBARGA..
M M Baig says:
Dec 8, 2011
How to own a Shop in mall whom to contact?
Subhash says:
Dec 5, 2011
We need a top class residential gated apartment complex along with mall with food courts and multiplex with 4 to 5 screens of high standard just as in Bangalore or any big cities.
Murli says:
Dec 9, 2011
A top end residential complex and a mall with all natioal and international brands, a food court with all brands like pizza hut, cafe coffee day, kfc, mc donalds, and other good indan brands, ice creams etc,and also with banquet halls , games zone for the children etc., multiplex screens, all centrally air-conditioned. All this with good land scaping, greenery, lot of open space, adequate car parking and two wheeler parking, escalators and lifts with full power backup will be a dream come true project for Namma Gulbarga.
vinayak igve says:
Dec 5, 2011
When is the mcdonald and kfc ganna open…..
yusuf says:
Dec 4, 2011
must developed
kailash says:
Nov 28, 2011
Boring!!! Yawn
Anil says:
Nov 27, 2011
Why SHRADDHA last ??? Think of it……..
Raja says:
Nov 27, 2011
Rohidas jadhav. says:
Nov 23, 2011
I request to landlods & realestate developers please dont jump land or house rates . Poor person have dream to make own house /home. Gulbarga best city
Syed Mateen says:
Nov 23, 2011
Excellent and happy to see the development of gulbarga,what about Airport work and update please provide details for the AP.
khan says:
Nov 22, 2011
need to developed and understand area were we are lacking , need to see the development .
s badhasha says:
Nov 21, 2011
i just love gulbarga. really fantastic projects.
shiv says:
Nov 16, 2011
which will be frst mall up coming, is t true the mall of jewergi road is biggest in gulbarga. uplod it photo
Rohit .G. s says:
Nov 11, 2011
malls r great but there r no proper roads & gardens
in Namma Gulbarga
ram shivakeri says:
Nov 11, 2011
plz reply for my Questions
ram shivakeri says:
Nov 11, 2011
* ha another one thing to say there no trees on roadside & no proper footpaths ppl will be walking on roads like stupids
ram shivakeri says:
Nov 11, 2011
mall an all ok yaar what about roads
bharath says:
Nov 11, 2011
Hi Guys I was in GLB last 15 yr back…
Now its really rocking….city changed a lot compare to Davangere..
And then Nammagulbarga Web side is superb…
Thomas says:
Nov 10, 2011
Well Said SRIDHAR, that is the point we dont have right/good politician, perfect answer for all the drawback that our city has. well said.
Thomas says:
Nov 10, 2011
10/10 for SRIDHAR
sridhar says:
Nov 10, 2011
Fantastic! We know that Gulbarga district has lot of Natural Resourses,But we dont have right politician to make a develeped city.Even though its growing. lot of efforts are to be made.
Dinesh Joy says:
Nov 9, 2011
Nodri, Nam Kalbugi daga Kalu Bahal Ava,Adak Nav Yanta Road Maddurnu Tikasal Adak Nav Yan madk agal. Nive flying Car Togebeku ashtay..
Sharanu dambal says:
Nov 9, 2011
Roads r simply so smooth,slippery:)above dat its dustless. Njoy every ride. . . !
thomas says:
Nov 9, 2011
happy to see malls and other improvement comming up in gulbarga, but their is a sad part also ROADS, AIRPORT, Industries, and please good supply electricity. i dont see the fast phase for that. come on Gulbarga these are also required.
I hope Gulbarga people will agree with me.
ganesh says:
Nov 8, 2011
Wat about at timmapuri circle. their is also an mall .. which is good night
mujeeb says:
Nov 7, 2011
Thank u namma gulbarga u giving us good information
Gulbarga Girl says:
Nov 7, 2011
Kindly upload the Kotnoor Matha Photos
xyz says:
Nov 6, 2011
I like it kanta—- i like it
Rishi says:
Nov 6, 2011
awesome…. wish IT come’s soon… TO GLB….
Rameez Ahmed says:
Nov 4, 2011
I like it
adam says:
Nov 2, 2011
ohhh my lovely gulbarga , i really missing my city
anand says:
Nov 2, 2011
still it should progress in industries & companies which is lagging behind
Nov 1, 2011
i think this ll change the image of glb. i love it…………………………..
md faisal says:
Oct 31, 2011
its very nice now over become a big city
Amit says:
Oct 31, 2011
Rocking Gulbie.
A, Qayoom Haneef says:
Oct 31, 2011
Excellent and whish you all the best
pasha says:
Oct 30, 2011
i am happy i love my gulbarga….i misssssss uuuuuu love uuuu
kaveri says:
Oct 30, 2011
so excited………
Kiranneelur says:
Oct 30, 2011
My lovely glb.
sushant says:
Oct 30, 2011
is mcdonalds coming to gulbarga
Praveen Kulkarni says:
Oct 30, 2011
Good work admin n team,,I appriciate your survey
Channabasava says:
Oct 30, 2011
Cool…. Signs of development!!
Nagaraj b parkal says:
Oct 30, 2011
ya i am happy with this.. but…..?
there is good roads n road side tree’s this will make a good city.
venkatesh.R.S says:
Oct 30, 2011
ya good but roads are not good
vijay says:
Oct 30, 2011
Good going GULBARGA
Bablu sgm says:
Oct 30, 2011
Yes v.good for gulbarga
Oct 30, 2011
what about mall n multiplux near sun international????
Admin says:
Oct 30, 2011
Yah, even that also Under Construction Project!
Quddus says:
Oct 30, 2011
Thnxx Gulbarga
Prashant says:
Oct 30, 2011
I am Loving it..
Laxman says:
Nov 22, 2011
Jul 23, 2013
SHRIKANTH superb gulbarga love u lot keep going on ummmmmmmmmmmmmm