Historical city……. temples, masjids, Buddha vihar, jain temple, historical monuments, many heritage buildings/monuments, number of renowned educational institutions, large-scale industries, exactly in the middle of Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Tirupati, close to Shrisailam, Shiridi, Tirupati, Manthralayam, renowned Dargas like Malkhed, Hindu/Jain matts, Bheema & Kagina rivers, what else you are looking for……….. Everything is there at Namma Kalburgi……. Only thing is that Administration should be strict………. lacking in basic municipal services, general public should educated not spit here and there, or throw garbage on the road as cleanliness is next godliness………. Roads and drains should be cleaned by the local authorities….. Many places of this vast city is not properly planned……… Come……. join hands……….It is our City…….. KEEP OUR CITY NEAT AND CLEAN………. Jai Hind! Jai Karnataka!! Jai Kalburgi!!!!
-People of Gulbaraga city and people of HK area,please feel proud and shed your infiriority complex. The area is not dry or barren or backward.It can be made green,beautiful and developed like any other place on earth.The will power to move ahead is lacking. People need the will power and mindset to contribute to the socity. Shed all narrow thinkings and grow to the global scale.
Chandrahas says:
Mar 23, 2015
Everyone should see.
vijaykumar says:
Jan 14, 2014
its our gulbarga so always superb……………..
revanasiddu says:
Nov 25, 2013
nice pic
prashant kadam says:
Aug 15, 2013
thank for new photos of gulbarga & please also uplod of zoo park & new temple places of surround of gulbarg districa
Jun 23, 2013
Dec 26, 2012
Good to see all these pics needs to improve namma gulbarga as green city
Ashok Nair says:
Dec 18, 2012
Historical city……. temples, masjids, Buddha vihar, jain temple, historical monuments, many heritage buildings/monuments, number of renowned educational institutions, large-scale industries, exactly in the middle of Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Tirupati, close to Shrisailam, Shiridi, Tirupati, Manthralayam, renowned Dargas like Malkhed, Hindu/Jain matts, Bheema & Kagina rivers, what else you are looking for……….. Everything is there at Namma Kalburgi……. Only thing is that Administration should be strict………. lacking in basic municipal services, general public should educated not spit here and there, or throw garbage on the road as cleanliness is next godliness………. Roads and drains should be cleaned by the local authorities….. Many places of this vast city is not properly planned……… Come……. join hands……….It is our City…….. KEEP OUR CITY NEAT AND CLEAN………. Jai Hind! Jai Karnataka!! Jai Kalburgi!!!!
Mohammed Mujahid says:
Oct 7, 2012
I am very happy to see this photographs.
Very Nice Photographs
vishwanath s says:
Jul 6, 2012
Good job NammGulbarga.com
SHARANU B. M. says:
Feb 24, 2012
zain says:
Dec 13, 2011
It’s a very very naic plan in gulbarga thanking to u all this perchas
Prakash says:
Dec 6, 2011
Handsome Job u do. & Nice photography u click……. & Thanks…
satish says:
Nov 11, 2011
Namma gulbarga . . Yavagalu super . .and nice view
Vadiraj says:
Oct 2, 2011
Can’t believe such a greenery in Namma Gulbarga… Good one…
Mahesh.SD says:
Sep 12, 2011
I like very much this photography. Now, our city is garden & improving city.
Hiremath says:
Aug 27, 2011
hi Anusha nice photos namma GULBARAGA
mounesh says:
Aug 21, 2011
Nice viewsssssssssssssssssssssss
sandeep yargal says:
Aug 18, 2011
awesome proud to be a part of it
s r gour says:
Aug 16, 2011
After seeing the photos my feeligs are :
-People of Gulbaraga city and people of HK area,please feel proud and shed your infiriority complex. The area is not dry or barren or backward.It can be made green,beautiful and developed like any other place on earth.The will power to move ahead is lacking. People need the will power and mindset to contribute to the socity. Shed all narrow thinkings and grow to the global scale.
Kiranshirwal says:
Aug 14, 2011
Its too good c glb like this go ahead best of luck we need some more
MAllikarjun says:
Aug 14, 2011
Thanks for dedicated work…
Santosh haveri says:
Aug 14, 2011
Realy credit goes to RC DC. Supperb work.
shivanand says:
Aug 14, 2011
Real credit goes to Photographer……. Awesome work dude….
manjunath says:
Aug 14, 2011
awesome photos yar
trupti says:
Aug 14, 2011
amazing pics………loved it
Nagaraj says:
Aug 14, 2011
really awesome work…. I didnt knew our gulbarga is so nice… Where u stood and took this photos…