Figures at a glance Gulbarga
(Gulbarga Census 2011 – Provisional Population Totals of Gulbarga 2011)

Gulbarga 5th populated district in Karnataka :
Bangalore—95,88,910—15.69 %
Belgaum—–47,78,439—-7.82 %
Mysore——29,94,774—-4.90 %
Tumkur——26,81,449—-4.39 %
Gulbarga—-25,65,892—-4.20 %
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KhajaShaikh says:
Jun 10, 2017
srikant says:
Oct 7, 2013
census huh….
dude, where did u bring the extra 30%?????????????
Ajay Sambrani says:
Aug 27, 2013
Hello all
It quite amazing that gulbarga has an English portal.we should be proud of our city and we strive to build opinion on development of gulbarga.kudos to team .
Sunil Reddy says:
Mar 14, 2013
I am agree with Mr.R.S.DESHPANDE Please indicate the development work that are going on………..
Sunil G says:
Feb 17, 2013
On the basis of population, Gulbarga deserves to be a B class city. Gulbarga is state’s fifth largest city, but still does not have enough facilities to originate/terminate express trains. Gulbarga requires more trains – 1. Hubli -Solapur train , 2. Kolhapur-Solapur train , 3. Manmad-Solapur trains can be extended upto Gulbarga. Hubli-Solapur-Gulbarga-Hyderabad rail route can be shorter than the existing Hubli-Guntakal-Hyderabad route. At least 3 more trains can be considered as per traffic: 1. Gulbarga-Bangalore express, 2. Gulbarga-Hyderabad express and 3. Gulbarga-Pune express.
Chandrakant says:
Feb 12, 2013
Please include the daily news items and important announcements regarding
Hyderabad Karnataka development in general and Gulbarga in particular so that more people visit the site regularly. I wish that this site should become a treasure of information regarding Gulbarga to the world at large.
Wish u success in your endeavour
Chandrakant Javalgi Gulbarga
nagaraj.d says:
Jan 26, 2013
Make it still more informative covering all facets of gulbarga like investment,industry,economy,agriculture,infrastructure,education,health,entertainment,development and many more.This is a forum to bring all gulbarga people together and contribute their little to make it big.
vishnudutt more says:
Dec 11, 2012
i love my Dhulbarga… jaisa bhi hai appna hai .
Sunil G says:
Jan 8, 2013
Plant more trees, lay footpaths on major roads to prevent vehicle dust. Build water fountains at major traffic circle and ring road junctions. A separate lane for cyclists with shady trees. Then Gulbarga will become real Gulbarga clean , green, beautiful without any dust.
Imran bhandari says:
Nov 30, 2012
The population as displayed is of whole gulbarga district , not just gulbarga city. It includes all the talukas under gulbarga distric administratiin.
sandeep kumar yadgir says:
Nov 24, 2012
i am very happy to proud be an Gulbaraga guy.bcz of this soil m in good condition & happy that gulbarga is getting improved a lot.
Abdul Rasheed Khan says:
Oct 29, 2012
Please any one update me regarding jobs in gulbarga..
kumar says:
Oct 15, 2012
wt to do??
no job facilities with good salary , after education 98% of students will go out of Gulbarga leaving their parents no good roads still at 75% no water facilities its still the place were govt empolyes only can stay not others survival is difficult with lots of commitments
Ganesh says:
Sep 3, 2012
Gulbarga is the fasted developing dist in north karnataka. And i hope up coming 5 year will be very good for gulbarga future
Engr.Md.Khursheed Rosa says:
Aug 6, 2012
Gulbarga has become DHOOLBARGA,as the same should have been land of Roses & Leaves that’s the real meanining of Gulbarga in Persian language. This important Historic dynasty of Bahmani Kindom, & later ruled by Nizam of hydrabad was the capital & second capital city at that time. But ever since it was annexed to Karnataka, Gulbarga got step mother treatment,no one cares whether there is water supply, power, & the worst infrastructure, no sewrage ( UGD) system, all the majore developements are only in the south regeion.
There is a ray of hope only after getting the special status with the amendment of Art 371 for wich people have to wait how long God only knows.
Sharanayya Chickamath says:
May 6, 2012
As population growth is more know its required industrial development is much more required because economical development
anand says:
Jun 9, 2012
without water how possible dear
Asif Ali Khan says:
Apr 29, 2012
I think after Hasan Gangu Bahman Shah, Gulbarga was again rehabilitated as the summer capital of Ausaf-jahi Dynasty, at Aiwan-E-Shahi building near Gulab-Bowli, by the Sixth Nizam of Hyderabad, His Highness Mir Maheboob Ali Khan, as a matter of fact, we are having (Maheboob Shahi Kalburgi Mills) M S K Mills to substantiate the same. Gulbarga means Gul=Rose, bar=leaf, ga=place, i.e., a place of leaves and roses = gulbarga. Gulbarga is having all the potentials to be one of the best city, but there is lack of political/Administrative will to this effect, but nonotheless we are not going to loose hope, as we are confident that the future has got something good in its’ store.
vishwa says:
Apr 19, 2012
i like to namma gulbarga we stand we change in gulbarga
Tajuddin Kodli says:
Apr 7, 2012
“Nammuru Namage Savi Bella”
Mohammed Arshad says:
Mar 29, 2012
I love Gulbarga very much…B’coz in India is Only City where your mind gets relax B’coz People of Gulbaraga… Will Help Each Other whether they r Hindu or Muslim
supreeth hanche says:
Mar 23, 2012
i just love gulbarga
Anand kumar Ravoor says:
Mar 19, 2012
of course,Gulbarga is one of the finest place in karnataka in terms of growth,skill and other things…only lacking is its INFRASTRUCTURE due to
poor ROADS and other transportation facilit.
malhari rao says:
Mar 12, 2012
To compairing other district, we are in correct position in growth of papulation.
Sunil G says:
Mar 8, 2012
What is the population of Gulbarga City? In terms of population & area ,what is Gulbarga’s ranking in Karnataka ? I think that Gulbarga is fifth largest City of Karnataka.
Akash annigeri says:
Feb 19, 2012
I like ma city gulbarga sooooo much….. Bt i feel sad dat der is no entetrnment here….
raghavendra holkar says:
Feb 7, 2012
gulab ka shahar gulbarga… be proud
Manjuanth.h says:
Jan 7, 2012
i like gulberga very much because it is the best place on karnataka
Dec 24, 2011
its great to know abt gulbarga , i m proud to see the name of my birth place to have access of all the info available, I congrats Mr Satish for his hardwork and intrest in doing it,HATS OFF TO YOU.
Mughal Mullan says:
Feb 19, 2012
I agree with you as far as the news should be genuine ….
syed says:
Dec 15, 2011
gulbarga is grate city we love it
all kannadiga be happy
Prashant kotambri says:
Dec 6, 2011
gulbarga dalli hutti beledavaru karnatakadalli yava oralladaru badukabahudu I LOVE GULBARGA prashant kotmbri. mysore
Patil says:
Oct 21, 2011
Gulbarga is the best place on earth!! Jai Karnataka!!
LGK says:
Oct 13, 2011
good start. aerial images are great. Keeping it updated constantly will help. Go with eye pleasing colors to keep it cool on eyes. dark and multiple colors do not help.
Aug 13, 2011
Nice to know about It reminded me the days i have spent up to my college days. After that i was out of Gulbarga for amny years. It is giving good coverage but needs to be updated informations for business opportunities, industry and its scope real estates etc. Any how it has been started and definately take good shape in the coming years Wish all the best
sandeep says:
Jul 28, 2011
i request u to provide neccasary informations about the Small scale industries of gulbarga division……
NYNA says:
Jul 26, 2011
only approx. 4 lakh increase in 10 years.
please mention whether bifurcated Yadgir district is included in present census or not.
vilas says:
Feb 7, 2012
yes u r right thanks for reminding, actually I am doing project on environment as per the old census its including yadgir now I have to search for new census of population of gulbarga
Jagadishkumar says:
Jul 26, 2011
It is the % of male & female population is write or worang concluse please
M Ziaullah says:
Jun 22, 2011
What is the % of male & female population. Calculation is wrong
siddaram.HM says:
Jun 12, 2011
We must have complete information soon after the census of 2011. why its too much of time to publish the table or statistics.
Vinod says:
May 29, 2011
what is this percentage population for male and female? I didnt understand how is this calculated…male 75% and female 55%?
can you please explain
Kalyani says:
May 26, 2011
I miss gulbarga lot, Please update status of Gulbarga airtport work time to time
Praveen says:
Jul 8, 2011
Dont forget our Gulbarga
rohit says:
May 10, 2011
Thanks for the data, i would appreciate if you would let us know the Courtesy of the collected data.
Best Regards,
Gulbarga says:
May 10, 2011
By Govt Census data 2011
Apr 16, 2011
What is the Gulbarga City population?
Sandeep says:
Apr 12, 2011
i can give you data in chart format ya map format ..if required let me know
Admin says:
Apr 12, 2011
Okay sandeep, Send it to
Thanks in advance 🙂
S.R.Gour says:
Apr 1, 2011
Make it still more informative covering all facets of gulbarga like investment,industry,economy,agriculture,infrastructure,education,health,entertainment,development and many more.This is a forum to bring all gulbarga people together and contribute their little to make it big.
Gulbarga says:
Apr 4, 2011
Yes, We are working on it sir..
Thanks for your suggestion.
hanumansingh r thakur says:
Mar 25, 2011
Mar 25, 2011
Mar 25, 2011
Mar 24, 2011
Please give population of Gulbarga City alone
Please indicate what developmental works that are going on in the city such as new Medical College/Hospital/Airport/roads/fly overs etc
R S Deshpande
Native of Gulbarga
Presently staying in Bangalore
Basavkumar says:
Mar 24, 2011
try to put statics in graphical method…it ll more effective than dis…